a survivor's journal

day 6

every creature in malton is infected. the dead are hungry; the living are mad.

more than once i've sheltered in some building for the night, huddled with a bunch of survivors, when suddenly one of them draws a gun and shoots the other guy's head off. no reason, no nothing. everyone's crazy.

other survivors have formed armed groups, i hear. they hunt zombies, and often each other. crazy. crazy.

pretty soon people will tell me the zeds have started organizing, too. ha ha.

i stay alone if i can, looting buildings for supplies. FAKs, or first aid kits, mostly. no shortage of injured and infected around here, so i try to help. makes me feel better somehow.

and i train. i train with my axe. i still can't kill a zombie one-on-one and i need to run away at the end, but i'm getting better. i see some kids, they spar themselves bloody then fix each other up with FAKs. like i said, crazy.

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